Double Mission Premium

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Double Mission Premium

NIS 720

A perfect gift for someone who is just starting out at The Squadron and wants to experience the latest in aviation technology.

After completing “My First Flight” by successfully navigating and maneuvering their F-16 safely, they’ll step into the cockpit of a fifth-generation fighter aircraft, the F-35.

The level of intensity is kicked up in the F-35 and the pilots’ skills will be put to the test as the aircraft is put to its limits. Participants put on a flight suit and then undergo the necessary training and briefing before taking to the skies in the F-16.

Upon landing they will debrief their performance and then prepare to take off in the F-35.

The F-35 experience concludes with a meaningful debrief process.

Video and data of flights are recorded, and that information is used to conduct professional level debrief sessions.

Program details:
Ages 12 and up.

No previous experience necessary.

Duration of approximately 3 hours, depending on group size.
Entrance for ticket holders only.
Course is taught in Hebrew (For support in other languages, please contact customer service).

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